viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

Argumentative Text - The legalization of marijuana -

The fight for the legalization of the marijuana come as a prescription of the drug should be allowed or dined.

The marijuana helps people that suffer of cancer, neurological disorders and AIDS. Usually the calming effects of marijuana help on the effects of chemotherapy as nausea and dizziness. It also controls muscle spams and contraction and helps with the relaxation. The marijuana also can eliminate stress because of its pleasurable benefits.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (D.E.A.) has declared that legalizing marijuana will open the possibility of transform its use in a free way of consume it, so everybody will be able to use it. But for medical purposes a prescription given from a doctor would be essential to buy and get the drug.

Also, the D.E.A is afraid for the possible addiction that is concern, but if a doctor prescribes the marijuana, he will have the chance to control the intake of the patient.

Is really the marijuana that harmful? What are the arguments of the two parts involve (pro and against)?


-Government cannot be involved in the distribution of illegal substances, because the goal of states is to protect citizens' health.
-To find marijuana in a free way will increase the number of users, and will not reduce them.
-Drugs are addictive.
-The free will to use drugs makes people who use them irrational, unable to make decision and to be logical.
-The use of soft drugs as marijuana lead to consume harder drugs.
-If marijuana is legalize this will send a message to children that drug use is acceptable.


-Legal prohibition does not stop consumers from consuming drugs, and it also does not stop trafficants from producing and selling it. If the government legalize marijuana would be able to control de traffic and the use.
-Find marijuana will not be in a free way. It would be in control of the authorities. It would be necessary to have a prescription note, for a specific doctor, for patients who really need it.
-The marijuana is not physically addictive. Legal drugs as cocaine, caffeine and alcohol are highly addictive. However, people begin their drug abuse because of the wine or cigarettes, not cause the marijuana.
-Marijuana don’t make people irrational nor illogical.
-75 percent of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs.
-The free use of marijuana will send a message to children of freedom and free decision.

In some countries substances such as marijuana are legal, like Netherlands, Canada and Belgium, however the globally legalization doesn’t seam to get near.

For some information about marijuana use you can visit:


Quotes from the World Wide Web:

Narrative Text - Ian Curtis Biography -

Ian Curtis was the lead singer of Joy Division, a band from Manchester, England. Joy Division is considered one of the greatest bands of rock music. The group is remembered because of their sad and dark lyrics, and their singular sound.

Curtis was born on the 15th July 1956, in Macclesfield, a little town in England. His passion to music begun because of his teenage heroes including David Bowie, Iggy Pop and the Velvet Underground.

He got married at an early age with Deborah Woodruffe on 23rd August 1975. Their daughter, Natalie, was born a few years later, on 16th April 1979. There’s many people who thought that Deborah had to stand the strange behavior of Ian, however she wrote all the details about their life together in the book “Touching From A Distance” (Here’s a great review about the book:

After seeing in 1976 a Sex Pistol’s concert Ian new that he had to make it to the stage. So he contacted Bernard Sumner and Peter Hook -they were thinking to make a band as well- but lacked a singer, so Ian joined forces with them.

Ian Curtis one day in a pub had a big argument with a TV personality, Tony Wilson, who had a musical TV show. Ian screamed at him the bad taste he had about music, he was so anger that Wilson invited his band to the play in his show. Wilson was amazed with Joy Division, so he put them in contact with the record company RCA. The album they recorded with RCA was never released.

About his personality at the Worl Wide Web Joy Division Central affirmed that:

Ian had a volatile personality, and could show different sides at different times and with different people. He could sometimes be angry and spiteful, but more often was easy-going and generous. Although his health, his career and his personal life all brought many pressures, Ian is usually recalled by those who knew him as a fun-loving person, albeit a slightly eccentric one, with a good sense of humour (2006)

In 1979 Ian was diagnosed as epileptic, so he started to take regularly medication that affected his mood. Nevertheless, Ian continued with Joy Division’s tours and recording.
Joy Division made two studio albums, Unknown Plesures (1979) and Closer (1980).

After all the success and touring, and a love affair with a belgian lady, Annik Honoré, his marriage started to deteriorate.

In the early hours of May 18th 1980, two months before his 24th birthday, Ian Curtis committed suicide at his home in Macclesfield. He hanged himself in the kitchen using the rope from a clothes airer. His body was found by his wife Deborah.

There’s many theories about Ian’s suicide. Some people said that the medication affected him; some friends have said that he was scared of the American tour that Joy Division was making later that year, some other just think hat he was very depressed and that he couldn’t stand the pressures of his disease.

His wife, Deborah, put on his grave the lyrics of the song that made Ian a legend Love with tear us apart again.

Now I left here this new version, made by the BBC, of the video Love Will Tear Us Appart Again. I hope you enjoy it!

Quotes taken from the World Wide Web:

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Write a paragraph how has your learning process in English III been with the prof. Lisette Lunar?

I think it has been great!. I have improved a lot, not only in my speaking but also in my writing. I feel happier now because I have learned more, and because I feel more confident when I talk or write in English.

Thank you miss Lisette!!!

Expository Text – Why Creatures Clone Selves is an Expositive Text? –

An expository text according to is the one that intended to explain or describe something.

In order to this the text “Creatures Clone Selves in Face of Danger” is a hundred percent expository.

Clara Moskowitz, the author of the science article, begins affirming that if a strange comes to your neighborhood all you have to do is "Clone Yourself".

It sounds funny, but after we read more, Moskowitz gives to the reader further explanation about how the Sand Dollar Larvae reproduce themselves when they feel they are in danger.

To see that clearly we can observe the following structure of explanation:

1. The author explains to the reader what exactly are the Sand Dollar Larvae.
2. After that the author explains what frighten the larvae.
3. In consequence the reader can understand how the larvae developed into a new, genetically-identical larvae. That means the process of cloning.
4. The author explains the effects of the process of cloning, the benefits and consequences. That’s why the author explains the process of “Tradeoff”.
5. Give antecedent about the case.
6. Quotes of professional doctoral in Biology.

Therefore, all the text give the reader all the explanations, all the scientific reasons and the facts to verify the information.

Also you can read the whole article here (quotes from World Wide Web):

Descriptive Essay – The Lovers – René Magritte

This beautiful painting is attributed to Rene Magritte; Les Amants –in French-, or as we know “The Lovers” was painted in oil, and it takes part of a series of pictures made between 1927-1928.

At first sight we can see this two mysterious couple, just about to kiss, but with the singularity that they are cover in with a white fabric.

The perfection of the technique, the tenderness in the canvas and the obvious surrealism of the pictures denotes the timeless importance of the Magritte’s painting.

However, the remarkable importance of The Lovers is its meaning.

The origin of this image has been attributed to various aspects. One of them is that Magritte –like lots of others Surrealists artists- were fascinated by “Fantomas”. Fantomas was a dark and shadowy hero, and it appeared in a film made by Louis Feuillade. The similarities of this terrorific hero and the painting are that Fantomas appeared in the films with a cloth or a stocking over his head.

Another source for the explanation of the covered heads of The Lovers suggested that was made in the memory of his mother, who apparently had committed suicide. The story said when Magritte was thirteen years old, his mother was found drowned in the river Sambre, in 1912; when her body was recovered from the river, her nightdress was supposedly wrapped around her head.

Even though all these tenebrous and bizarre explanation, there are a few affectionate meanings. The Lovers can be as well a description of “love is blind”. The common phrase used for all the people who are falling in love or who are very romantic.

I chose this Magritte’s painting because I personally think that the real meaning is that the picture show us how lovers are: they are blind for what they feel, the lovers don’t take a moment to think, they are impulsive, they just let themselves go with the feelings. For that reason The Lovers of Magritte represent the mystery that veils our understanding of a lover, who is never completely known to us.

To finish this text I will quote this about the painting: “Outwardly so ordinary, even absurd, this image becomes chillingly real in the mind's eye” (Loyd and Desmond, 1992, p.3).

For more information and too see more paintings of Magritte you can visit

Quotes from: